Terms of Service

Assessment & Evaluation

Diversified modes of assessments are used to evaluate and help the learners to recall and possess high levels of content retention.

This includes:

  • Quiz program
  • Continuous assessment tests
  • Speed tests
  • Symposiums
  • Essay writing
  • Termly exams
  • Standard handwriting drills
  • Library lessons [summary writing]among others including KNEC

Parents/guardians are kept informed from time to time through regular report and follow up activities.

KCPE Results

Nairobi Christian for the past 3 years has registered quality results as our learners go through a well-structured system that promotes discipline, performance, and responsibility.

All our candidates join good secondary schools ranging from National to County schools. None has ever missed admission.

About Us

Nairobi Christian AcademyNairobi Christian Academy is a Christian based private school under NCC (Nairobi Christian Church) situated in a serene area in Nasra Gardens Estate in Nairobi. The school has strong pastoral ethos with highly valued stakeholders.

The primary school started with 42 pupils and a total staff of 16, 13 of whom were teachers and the rest non-teaching staff.

Nairobi Christian Academy's approach to education is to develop the child holistically. The private school offers a Kenyan accredited curriculum: - Competence-Based Curriculum (CBC) and 8:4:4 system of education.

The curriculum puts emphasis on the development of an all-round pupil which is tandem with our mission. Each child is encouraged to bring forth his/her own qualities and feelings, which are respected. Apart from the purely intellectual side, we recognize other values such as self-expression, socialization, and encouragement of a positive self-image. Our goal is to ensure we excel in this area.

At NCA, we focus on developing children to their highest potentials. Pupils learn through exploration, experience, experimentation, and hands-on discovery. A high standard of discipline is expected from pupils and the school promotes positive behavior management through a programme of rules, rewards, and consequences.

We are raising a generation of leaders that will stand out and be

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  • Step I

    Book and Interview
  • Step II

    Provide the listed items
  • Step III

    Join the dream School